Resources on Pesticide Spray Drift in Regional NSW
Browse the SOS resources on pesticide spray drift, including correct spraying time and weather conditions.
Information Resources
- Application considerations for in-crop herbicide use, GRDC
- Decontaminating spray equipment, CSD, CottonInfo
- Decontamination of spraying, mixing and transfer equipment, GRDC
- Hazardous surface temperature inversion, GRDC
- Keep the spray on the weeds, NuFarm Spraywise
- Maintaining efficacy with larger droplets – 2,4-D application requirements, GRDC
- Mixing requirements for spraying operations, GRDC
- Nozzle selection for boom, band and shielded spraying: the back pocket guide, GRDC
- Practical tips to reduce spraydrift, GRDC
- Reducing the risk of spray drift – haloxyfop, Horticultural Innovation
- Spray application manual for grain growers: The need for planning – a spray operators perspective (Bill Gordon and Dave Gooden), GRDC
- Spraywise – 24 hour inversion decision wheel, NuFarm
- Stewardship for pre-harvest application of herbicides in winter cropsG, RDC
- Summer Weed Control Best Practice Guide, Mary O’Brien
- Understanding Pre-emergent herbicides and how they interact with the environment, GRDC
- Water quality for spray operations, GRDC
- Weather essentials for pesticide application, Graeme Tupper
- Weather monitoring equipment for agricultural spraying operations, GRDC
- SOS 5 Commandments
- Daytime conditions: a demonstration of air movement after the inversion breaks (Mary O’Brien)
- Early morning inversion: what happens to spray droplets (Mary O’Brien)
- GRDC Grains Research Update: The new inversion tower network and reducing spray drift risk, GRDC
- Grownotes: Preparing a spray plan (Craig Day), GRDC
- How to decontaminate a spray rig, CottonInfo
- Impacts of adjuvants on drift (Malcolm Salisbury, NuFarm)CottonInfo
- Nozzle comparisons: Spray quality and drift potential (Jeremy Rennick), CottonInfo
- Preventing off target spray drift, GRDC
- Satacrop: How to add and modify fields, Cotton Australia
- SOS Riverina: the 5 commandments of spray application (Kevin Sternberg), SOS Riverina
- Spray application manual for grain growers – a grower perspective (Dave Gooden), GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers – an introduction to Drift Reduction Technology (DRT), GRDC
- Spray drift management case study – Armatree (Mick O’Brien) GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers – checks and maintenance, GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers: DRT cloud observation (Bill Gordon), GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers: DRT weather station, GRDC
- Spray drift management: a spray drift contractors experience (Russell Fuhlbohm), GRDC
- Spray application series – maximising spray efficiency (Bill Gordon), GRDC
- Spray application manual: nozzle selection and duty cycle for pulse width modulation systems (Bill Gordon), GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers – the importance of checks for new operators, GRDC
- Spray application manual for grain growers: weather monitoring hand held meter (Bill Gordon), GRDC
- Using Satamap, Cotton Australia
- WAND: A world first spray hazard warning system for growers and applicators, GRDC, CRDC, GoannaAg
- 2,4-D Its a power load, SOS Macquarie
Planning and Project Documents
- Spray plan template, SOS NSW