Welcome to SOS,
Operating across Macquarie
Valley and Regional NSW
SOS works to bring about improvements in on-target
pesticide application efficiency to reduce spray drift.
Welcome to SOS, Operating across Macquarie Valley and Regional NSW
SOS works to bring about improvements in on-target pesticide application efficiency to reduce spray drift.
Our Vision
SOS aims to educate, inform and enable better pesticide spray practices in New South Wales to ensure sustainable cropping and a safe community.
Our Mission
To engage the agricultural community and encourage practice change that reduces the occurrence of off-target spraying and safer spraying techniques.
How We Came About
Following several reports of spray drift damage in the Warren region in the summer of 2017-18, a group of concerned people from the Macquarie Valley agriculture industry formed a committee called the Stop Off-Target Spraying group to address the issue.
Following a productive meeting with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), the group called a meeting of agronomists and chemical resellers in Dubbo in February 2018. We received overwhelming support for the industry to continue on a course of action. This was the birth of our founding group SOS Macquarie Valley Inc. We have now grown to incorporate other regions across New South Wales.
Working with the Community
SOS wants to find a way for the community to work together to address a concern that damage to sensitive crops is increasing in frequency and area.
Working with the Community
SOS wants to find a way for the community to work together to address a concern that damage to sensitive crops is increasing in frequency and area.
Working to Raise Awareness
SOS works to raise awareness of the potential dangers of spraying chemicals, and promote safe spraying in the Macquarie Valley and regional NSW.

We are developing strategies to reduce spray drift.

We are working towards sustainable cropping and a safe community.

We engage and educate to bring about improvements in on-target application efficiency.

We engage with relevant key stakeholders and industry professionals.
Browse Our Resources
There is a wide range of resources available to support growers and spray applicators, as well as advisors and agronomists. Some useful resources we recommend include the following: